Burn Injuries Attorney In Miami

Seek Compensation for Your Suffering: Call 305.967.7550

Are you suffering from burns that were caused by someone else’s negligence? You have a legal right to pursue financial damages! As your Miami personal injury lawyers, we could help you pursue fair compensation.

At Cohen Law, we have nearly a decade of experience and have recovered millions of dollars in financial compensation for our clients as a qualified Miami personal injury attorney. We are prepared to offer the client-centered, trial-tested advocacy that you need and deserve. We are available for you 24/7—in fact, we give clients our cell phone numbers to ensure that we are always accessible. Discover what our Miami burn injury law firm can achieve for you.

Getting Compensated for Burn Injuries

The compensation you are owed will depend on the details of your unique situation, especially the extent of your injuries. Burn injuries are classified by the following degrees:

  • First-degree burn: This type of burn only harms the epidermis (outer layer of skin). The redness and pain of a first-degree burn can be self-treated until it heals, which usually takes a few weeks or less.
  • Second-degree burn: This burn causes blisters as the epidermis is penetrated, burning the layer beneath the skin called the dermis.
  • Third-degree burn: The most serious type of burn, a third-degree burn hits the subcutaneous tissue below the dermis, which contains blood vessels and nerves. If this layer has been burned, your body will struggle to regulate its own temperature.

Get the Personalized Attention Your Case Deserves

Suffering from a catastrophic injury such as a burn can cause serious health issues, and in the worst scenarios, death. Whether your injury or the death of a loved one was caused by a construction accident, car accident, truck accident, or product malfunction, we are here to help you through the entire claims-filing process in Florida.

Don’t hesitate to discuss your case with a lawyer in a free, no-obligation consultation. We will personally talk with you during the appointment, not a paralegal or underqualified associate. Get the professional, personal legal support you deserve for your burn injury claim. Start your pursuit of justice today!


Providing Individualized Attention

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